Select The Right Phone System For Your Small Business

Small businesses have very unique needs. They don't have the resources available to larger corporations, but their needs to stay connected are the same. The right phone system can help small business owners keep in contact with vendors and customers without breaking the bank.

Try these tricks to help you find the perfect system for your business needs if you are looking to invest in a new phone system.

Test Available Options

Most communication providers are willing to let you test out phone systems in a controlled setting. Business phones vary in their comprehensiveness and complexity. By taking the time to test out various systems, you will be able to identify the features that will best serve the communication needs of your company.

You can also determine which systems might be too complex for your staff to navigate. This will help you avoid the purchase of a system that will require a dedicated employee that will add to the overhead costs of your day-to-day operations.

Select Your Tech

Business phone systems operate on a couple different tech platforms. You can choose from VoIP or PBX.

A VoIP system will cost less upfront, but it can be challenging to add to individual units to the system if your communication needs expand in the future. A PBX system will require a greater initial investment, but this system can grow along with your business through the years.

Weigh out your current and expected communication needs to select the tech platform that will be most affordable for your company in the long run.

Choose Your Options

Each business phone system will come with a suite of options that your company can choose from. Think carefully about the types of communication your company engages in.

If you work with vendors or customers across the country, you will want a phone system with conference and video call capabilities. You should also consider call forwarding and automated reception if your employees work in the field on a regular basis.

The phone system that you install will have a significant impact on your company's ability to stay connected—both now and in the future. Small business owners need to invest in a phone system with the right features and tech platform to ensure company communication needs are met.

Work closely with a communications supplier, such as Unified Global Solutions, to determine which system is uniquely capable of helping your small business grow.
